Are you ready to reclaim your voice so that you can honour your needs, set boundaries, and build healthier relationships in your life?
Are you ready to reclaim your worth so that you can release the inner critic, perfectionist, and people pleaser inside of you and finally embody true acceptance and confidence by being YOURSELF?
Are you ready to reclaim your power by deeply connecting with your body and brilliant nervous system, learning and trusting its cues, and establishing the validation and somatic safety within you so that you can release stress & trauma, trust yourself and experience life the way you desire to?
This is your invitation to truth; your truth.
Maybe you have read a ton of self help books, and still find a new one in your online amazon cart every so often.
Maybe you exercise or practice yoga regularly, try and meditate because all the influencers say so, and maybe you have your daily affirmations stuck on your bathroom mirror.
Maybe you have attended the workshops, bought the courses, and sat in plenty of women circles.
Maybe you have worked with different healers and practitioners to try and release the stress, anxiety, or trauma that you've been navigating for years.
And maybe deep down you know that you ARE good enough, worthy and whole, exactly as you are.
But, you can’t seem to crack the code on what’s missing or “wrong”, because you seem to keep facing off with the same issues over and over.

You feel stuck and exhausted.
You feel frustrated and hopeless.
And you feel like something is wrong with you
Everyday you get up and give it another go, commit to a new practice, and make a plan.
And by evening, you’re sitting on the couch mindlessly scrolling through social media after having another argument with your partner, feeling anxious and stressed even though nothing major happened that day, and depleted from over-extending yourself to make sure everyone else is happy.
You've tried changing your thoughts and thinking more positively, and well, that's short lived isn't it?
You sit there wishing you spoke up last week when someone crossed a boundary because it’s still not sitting well with you. But, you’re scared and don’t know what to say and you definitely don’t want to rock the boat.
Because you still want everyone to like you, even those you don't really even like.
You're always afraid of hurting people's feelings or letting people down; even the sales clerk at the grocery store who over charged you for that tub of ice cream, but you just let it go.
Your body is tense and tight, regardless of all the massages you get and yoga classes you take and it just can’t seem to settle and find a sense of calm.
For some reason, you feel agitated, irritable and angry at times and can’t seem to figure out why these seemingly little things are getting to you.
You’re hard on yourself and think you shouldn’t be feeling this way at all, because when you compare your life to others everything seems pretty good.
You feel guilty, and perhaps ashamed.

A 12 week experiential & embodied journey to support women in remembering and reclaiming their voice, power, and bodies so that they can speak up and express themselves, feel confident and grounded, and cultivate beautiful bonds and relationships that are fulfilling.
A soulful & trauma informed space for women to come together to reclaim safety and step into their power as the embodied and resilient woman they inherently are.
Rising rooted, together.
The Experience:
Throughout our 12 weeks together we will explore what has been holding you back and get to the roots of the repeating struggles that have been keeping you feeling stressed and anxious, lacking boundaries, and being really hard on yourself. All the triggers and patterns that keep bubbling up either personally, professionally, or relationally, we will gently uncover with curiosity.
The experience will be complete with weekly modules, practices, resources, meditations, somatic exercises, and writing prompts in addition to the live calls facilitated by Laurita Gorman each week to help support you through the material.
This experience is powerful and holds depth; inviting you to come and be exactly who you are, because it is not about changing yourself or becoming anything, it is about remembering and reclaiming ALL of you and being in celebration of that.
Maybe you’ve lost a sense of yourself and wonder what happened? It’s hard to trust yourself, let alone others and feel like something is wrong with you.
Maybe during your scroll on social media you find an online freebie that sounds like it will help you, so you enter your email and grab a copy, but you can’t even find the energy to engage with it. You’re drained.
You can't help but constantly compare yourself to others, feel you don't measure up to societal standards and expectations, and never quite feel good enough.
You go to sleep with a busy mind thinking about all the things you need to do and feel restless, wondering if you will ever experience a healthy committed relationship, and just feel like you are going through the motions each day checking some things off the list but feeling so uninspired, unmotivated, and disconnected.
You’ve lost touch with that sense of aliveness and connection.
You feel defeated.
And the next day the cycle continues.

Working with Laurita has been life changing for me!
"I am becoming more in touch with my feelings, more connected to my body & closer to my joy. Laurita has helped me identify & work through deep childhood trauma & given me everyday strategies to address triggers & develop new patterns that better serve me. I feel lighter & more aware of myself. I would highly recommend
Laurita to anyone who wants to dive deep
into their soul with an amazing therapist to
live their best life!"

tend to seek external validation from others
struggle setting boundaries with others for fear of confrontation
are feeling guarded and try to protect yourself from getting hurt
keep things bottled up inside of you and avoid addressing issues
experience crippling anxiety and chronic stress that leaves you feeling exhausted
keep noticing the same patterns showing up in your relationships
find yourself always trying to meet other people's needs and expectations
feel like something is wrong with you because regardless of all the books you've read you still feel awful
feel like you aren't living the life you want for yourself
experience loneliness and struggle finding your community of support
have a hard time trusting yourself and other people
tend to feel unworthy, unlovable, or not good enough
find yourself living in comparison and striving for perfection
have lots of tension held within the body
tend to live in your head and overanalyze every situation
feel disconnected from your heart and intuition
have difficulty accessing and using your voice
feel unsure about next steps and how to step more fully into your power and purpose
I remember what it was like to feel meek and small, to feel terrified to speak up about how I truly felt, and to deal with agonizing anxiety.
I remember what it was like to constantly over extend myself as a means to gain acceptance, to constantly feel frustrated in relationships, and to over-analyze
e v e r y t h i n g,
I remember what it was like to live in constant survival mode, to feel overwhelmed and unclear, and to struggle tapping into my intuition and power.
I read the books, listened to the podcasts, and tried everything to feel better.
And yet, I still struggled.
Until I dug deeper and found the tools, pratices, and frameworks that really made sense to me and felt validating. I didn't feel broken anymore, I didn't feel hopeless, and I didn't feel like I had to change myself.
That's when things finally shifted for me, in every possible way. And, I am always learning and growing through these layers. Because I'm an imperfect, yet whole human.
And I am here to guide you through an incredible journey so that you too can reclaim all of yourself and rise up as the rooted and embodied woman you are!

Laurita's program has already been a life altering experience for me!

She is an expert at holding a space that feels so comfortable, open, respectful, and even spiritual. Laurita helped me uncover many of the limiting beliefs that I clung to. Always with a heart full of gratitude for the purposes they served at one time in my life.
Most my life I struggled with being a doormat; never setting boundaries, allowing people to disrespect me, and pushing myself to care for others before I even thought of my needs. Laurita has given me the tools to change that! She not only held the space for me to give myself permission to take care of my needs, but taught me how to better identify and express them, too.
I am taking all the tools she has given me and learning to apply them, with growing confidence, to my life and my relationships. I will forever be a better version of myself because of this time and I highly recommend Laurita to anyone and everyone!

What's Included:
8 modules & lessons
12 live call sessions​
Healing exercises & practices
Opening & closing circles
Resources (trauma informed & somatic based included)​
Personalized assignments
Exclusive access to the private Reclaim community
A community of loving and powerful women to support you and cheer you on
Accountability & support​
I'm here to:
help you see that no matter what you have been through or experienced, that you are not broken
help you realize that no matter what you have been told by friends, family, or other professionals that you are whole and complete exactly as you are
remind you that you do not need to change who you are in order to grow and evolve
support you in cultivating more acceptance and compassion towards yourself so you can move ahead boldly as your authentic self
celebrate you while you reclaim your voice and speak up with confidence and create beautiful bonds with your loved ones
hold the space for you to express all of yourself so that you can learn how to navigate big emotions and embody resilience
remind you that your needs and feelings matter, are valid, and deserve to be held with grace
hold you to your inherent greatness, and gently stretch you to new depths so that you can show up fully and powerfully for the life you desire
RECLAIM is not like other programs. It is a completely holistic & embodied framework that guides you to witness, accept, and integrate all parts of yourself, even the messy unpleasant bits, so that you can rise up as the rooted and embodied woman you are!
Meeting yourself in radical truth can feel confronting and hard at times. And, when you begin to untangle the layers and traverse your wild inner landscape, healing becomes possible and liberation is experienced.

I have never had the results I've had and felt so unconditionally supported as I have with Laurita

Her holistic approach has been the true key/missing piece in my healing journey. It's so simple yet powerfully effective and I've never experienced this approach in any of my other experiences.
Laurita creates an environment where l feel 100% safe to be myself. Her approach is one that has supported and guided me to look within myself for the answers I am searching for which has been so empowering. Since working with Laurita all of my relationships have improved - including the most important one, my relationship to self. I am so grateful to have found her.

Holistic & Somatic Psychotherapist
Embodiment Facilitator
Trauma Informed Yoga Instructor
Breathwork & Meditation Guide
Clinical Educator & Trainer
Trauma Specialist
International Retreat Facilitator
Writer and Public Speaker
A trauma survivor with lived experience of what it feels like to live this messy beautiful experience of life as a human

With 19 years of education and experience in the mental health and personal development fields, I have worked with and supported thousands of women through their own journey's of growth and have been witness to incredible breakthroughs and shifts. I also value my personal healing and still dive into my own depths and continue to be amazed by the power and potential of this type of work.
I am a woman, and therapist, that truly adores the work I am honoured to facilitate in the world. With deep compassion and a loving nudge, I will hold space for you to travel the terrain you need to in order to find healing and freedom. I combine my extensive education, knowledge, and skill set with my innate and intuitive ability to guide you to the roots of your suffering and uncover your unwavering resilience and intrinsic worth.
Together, hand in hand, we traverse the wild inner landscape and liberate you from the shackles of shame and pain, so you can rise as the woman you truly are...grounded, embodied, and free.
Reclaimed & rooted.

"I learned to trust the process & myself."
"I feel confident & I am speaking up more."
"I am living a happier & more authentic life."
Laurita helped me understand and identify so much of my own self. And in the end I got to claim all of it. I am proud of who I am today and who I am becoming. By working with her, I learned to trust in the process of healing, but most importantly to trust in myself. Laurita has made me feel so valued and heard in a safe way through the space she holds. If you are looking for someone to help you overcome any difficulties you may have, she’ll be there step by step to guide you in your own healing.
"I feel more confident each day and even in anxiety provoking moments, I know I can work through it. I’ve also found my voice, and My relationships with others are much better and I’m able to open up with those close to me in times when I’m feeling not myself. Most important is my relationship with myself, I am more kind, loving, and nurturing to myself than I have ever been in my entire life."
She was exactly what I needed before I knew I needed it. Throughout my journey with Laurita, I was able to work through many different parts of my life. After working with Laurita, I have noticed a change within myself. She has taught me strategies that I will continue to use during my everyday life and when struggles appear. I can honestly say that I am living a happier and more authentic life because of my journey with Laurita.
What's inside reclaim:
module one:
Cultivate the space to reconnect with your own wisdom & honour the call to travel inwards
Set the sacred foundations needed to remove the distractions & to support the reclamation of your body, voice & power
module two:
A deep dive into the patterns that have been keeping you stuck & discover the tools to shift them
Develop a greater understanding of yourself and begin the process of connecting with your truth, with compassion
module three:
Understand the science of the nervous system, and how to map your own unique blueprint
Learn the regulating tools and somatic resources to support the integration of trauma and release of stress/anxiety
module four:
Develop a deeper awareness of your triggers, where they came from & how to shift them
Understand the different parts of yourself and release the self-judgement so you can reclaim your embodied wholeness
module five:
Learn your relational blueprint and the tools to become more securely attached
Explore your boundaries, learn to communicate powerfully, and discover the art of repairing ruptures to deepen intimacy
Connect more with the rhythms of nature & the power of the wild woman that lives within you that yearns to be expressed
Learn to access & express your anger in a healthy way and move forward with peace
module six:
Clarify your values & let go of the things that are no longer in alignment with you
Learn how to powerfully use your voice to speak into your needs and desires
Learn how to access & trust your intuition via the nervous system
module seven:
Learn the practices that help shift your energy and call in the things you really want
Discover your own authority & the living legacy you want to embody
Practice taking up space so you can feel free!
module eight:

This is the best investment I have made for myself, my mental health, my body, and soul.

When I first joined RECLAIM I was feeling unsure of the program and myself. I knew I was searching for deeper meaning and longing for connection but I felt as if I was going through the motions of life and ‘ticking off boxes’.
Now having completed the program, I have experienced new found energy and confidence, and have reclaimed my inner wild woman. I have learned to say ‘no’ to people of authority and have discovered how to show up for myself. I trust and listen to my inner voice when making decisions now. I truly feel I am trusting myself with what I want and what is right for my life, moment by moment. I have created life long friendships and a special sisterhood through RECLAIM, and this experience is something that is irreplaceable.
Laurita is a dream facilitator & a true gift to everyone who meets her. She can sense what the group needs and honored how we would show up each session, in whatever capacity we could. The work she has created with this program is sustainable for lifelong learning.
This experience was priceless.

hear from previous reclaim participants:
One time investment of $1300 CDN dollars
10 live group coaching calls
2 live coaching Q+A sessions
2 live calls with guest experts
8 Workbooks
RECLAIM Welcome Pack
Meditations & embodiment practices
Writing prompts
A sacred & supportive online community available 24/7
Lifetime access to the RECLAIM modules
Opening & closing circles
one time payment: $997 CDN
two time payment: $499 CDN X 2
early bird pricing: $997 CDN until October 31st 2023
regular pricing: $1297 cdn starting November 1st 2023
Dates: To be announced. Program begins November 2023.
Live Call Times: 7:00pm-9:30pm (Toronto EST time) every Tuesday
Applications are NOW open for our November 2023 cohort.
This experience is by application only.
Applying does not guarantee admission or secure your spot.
Spaces are limited in order to maintain the intimacy of the group.
Admission is based on applicants' suitability for the program.
Given the intimate nature of the deep work in this program, I only am taking a small group of women through the journey and therefore applications are required.
You are meant for so much more than feeling stressed & anxious, living with chronic self-doubt, and always taking care of everyone else.
You were born to shine exactly as you are, to be confident, and feel alive.
The freedom and joy to be exactly the woman you want to be is liberating.
And this woman is yours to witness, embody, & reclaim!
Choose love.
Choose you.
Choose to come home to ALL of who you are.
Your reclamation is calling you.
And it is YOUR time to rise rooted.